The Alkaline Diet – this is the diet that I follow! Healthy & Fit at 61!

As with many other diets that promote healthy eating, the Alkaline diet also encourages eating nutrient-dense foods, and limiting our intake of saturated fats, refined sugars, and processed foods.

However, the Alkaline diet is also based on a theory that some foods can cause our body to produce more acid, which can be harmful to our health. It supports eating more alkaline-forming foods and less acid-forming foods.

The Alkaline diet suggests that when we eat too many acid-forming foods, that this creates an acidic environment in our body, which can allow diseases to thrive. This acidic environment may make the body more vulnerable to developing health conditions like fatigue, chronic inflammation, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

On the other hand, the Alkaline diet suggests that when an alkaline environment exists in our body, that disease cannot thrive. Oxygen is carried around the body better, our energy levels are higher, and our immune system is strengthened. It promotes a healthy colon, cells are repaired, and toxins are flushed out of the system.

The problem with the modern western diet is that it’s filled with fast food, fried food, processed food, additives and preservatives, a lot of meat and dairy, sugar, salt, soft drinks, caffeine, and alcohol. These are all acid forming foods. However, it’s also important to note that it’s not just the foods we eat that can create an acidic environment in our body. Stress, smoking, being inactive, and being overweight, can also contribute to creating an acidic environment.

Eating the Alkaline Way!

The Alkaline diet is an eating plan that emphasizes eating wholefoods such as fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, wholegrains, and nuts and seeds.

Although it’s primarily a plant-based diet, it does allow for small amounts of lean meats, fish, and dairy. I have clients that choose to try a full-on plant-based alkaline diet plan, and others who still want to occasionally eat meat and dairy. Either way is ok. The main point is to increase your consumption of alkaline-forming foods, and to limit your consumption of acid-forming foods. Try to balance your meals by eating approximately 60-70% alkaline foods, and 30-40% acid foods.

Examples of alkaline and acid forming foods

Alkaline forming foods:



Green juices and smoothies

Dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach, Swiss chard, arugula (rocket leaves), collard, mustard, and turnip greens






Green beans

Brussels sprouts








Lemons and limes





Parsley, cilantro, mint


Mung beans

Sprouted beans

Sprouted grains

Spices and natural herbs


Chia seeds


Hemp seeds

Pumpkin seeds

Acid forming foods:

Processed and refined foods

Convenience meals and fast food

High-fat foods and fried foods



Carbonated drinks

Meat, poultry, seafood

Processed meats such as sausages and corned beef

Fatty dairy products such as cheese and butter

Processed cereals

Cakes and pastries

Potato chips and processed snacks

Jelly (jam)

Sugar and sugary foods

Artificial Sweeteners


You can find lots more tips and useful information on healthy living, nutrition, the Alkaline Diet, and the importance of looking after our emotional and physical health as we get older in the “Survival Guide on Aging Healthily!” –  Visit our ‘SHOP’ for more information!

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