My Energy Smoothie!

Green smoothies are a huge part of my diet and my anti-inflammatory regime!

I feel revitalized every time I have one, and full of energy!

Detoxification (detox for short) is the removal of built-up toxins, pollutants, and waste products from the body.

Detoxing can help to boost and strengthen the immune system, restore balance to the body’s systems, improve energy levels, and it can also promote weight loss, and healthy skin and hair.

Healthy juices and smoothies are also a great way to boost our daily intake of vitamins, minerals, and superfoods.

Below is a step-by-step, super easy recipe for my favorite green smoothie.

Delicious and healthy green energy smoothie!

Step 1

Add some milk (the amount depends on how thick or thin you want your smoothie to be). I use coconut milk, but you can also use dairy milk or any other alternative milk too (e.g., almond or oat milk)

Step 2

Add a teaspoon of wheatgrass (see below)

Step 3

Put a good-sized handful of raw spinach into your blender (Green leafy vegetables such as spinach are packed with antioxidants)

Step 4

Add some banana

Step 5

Just blend all the ingredients together!

Tip: Add some ice. Smoothies always taste better and are more refreshing when chilled!


Wheatgrass is the freshly sprouted first leaves of the common wheat plant.

It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. It can help in the detoxification process by neutralizing and removing deposits of heavy metals and toxins from the body.

Wheatgrass is loaded with nutrients including vitamins A, C, E, K, and B’s, as well as iron, magnesium and calcium, amino acids and flavonoids.

It can contain up to 70% chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps promote a healthy blood flow. This can help the brain and body tissues to function at an optimal level, boosting energy levels and exercise performance and endurance.

Find more tips and useful information on healthy living, nutrition, and the importance of looking after our emotional and physical health as we get older in the “Survival Guide on Aging Healthily!” –  Visit our ‘SHOP’ for more information!

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