Looking After our Skin in the Winter!

Our skin needs a bit more love and care in the winter, as the cold weather can make it quite dry and flaky.

I personally use a vitamin E oil before I go to bed, and then I just use a light moisturiser in the morning. My skincare regime also includes using a homemade fresh aloe vera gel mask once a week (it’s amazing).

Winter skin care tips:

Moisturizing our skin in the morning and at night helps to avoid dry and flaky skin. Don’t forget your hands need to be regularly moisturized too!

Use a hydrating mask to lock in moisture. Aloe vera, olive oil, jojoba oil, and almond oil masks are excellent.

It’s also important to hydrate from the inside out. Drinking water in the winter helps to keep both our body and our skin hydrated.

Turn down the heating thermostat to avoid dryness.

Use sunscreen in the winter too.

Best foods to eat for healthy, glowing skin are vitamin A, C & E rich foods such as:

Oranges, clementines, lemons, pineapples, apricots, mangos, peaches, kiwis, and all berries.

Almonds, walnuts, cashew and Brazil nuts.

Dark leafy greens and vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli.

Carrots, avocados, sweet potato, pumpkin, red and yellow bell peppers, and tomatoes.